Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New Belushi Pisano Gallery Location

Last weekend I had the great fortune to visit the new location of the Belushi Pisano Gallery now open and located in Edgartown on Martha's Vineyard. 

26 Kelley Street 
( across from the Kelley House Inn.)
Edgartown, MA 02539
Tel: 508-939-9322

In the next week or two a selection of my new paintings will be on their way to the gallery and I hope that those of you on the island or planning to visit will stop in to view the works in person!! My sincere thanks to everyone for your continued support!! 

Kali & Veronica 

Friday, May 1, 2009

Atlanta Botanical Garden Collection

Last night I had the pleasure of attending a cocktail party at the Atlanta Botanical Garden to celebrate the opening of their new wing... 

Three of my paintings are now permanently installed in the upstairs meeting room of the new Hardin Visitor Center. I'm honored to have my work included in such a beautiful public space and hope those of you who will visit the ABG in the future will let me know what you think of the new pieces!

Don't miss the Atlanta Botanical Garden's public grand opening is this weekend (May 2-3, 11a.m.-4p.m.) View the special exhibition of Henry Moore's monumental sculptures, along with the new Southern Season gardens and the Hardin Vistor Center!