Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A peek inside the Studio

©2010 Jennifer J L Jones

So... just before my newly purchased iPhone 4 completely crapped out on me yesterday (an error message saying "no SIM card detected" (??)... I was able to take a few snap shots with it in my studio. I'm hoping Apple will help me out by fixing or replacing my phone this afternoon. Hope is a lovely thing, isn't it?

©2010 Jennifer J L Jones

Anyway, the photos were from the huge photo session at my studio yesterday... I just wanted to give everyone a "peek" into the studio during one of the professional shoots by Robert Hill. A shout out to you, Rob, for all your hard work- thank you!

©2010 Jennifer J L Jones

Five or six more paintings to finish before the Earthshine series is officially completed! They are all beauties and I'm looking forward to sharing images of them with you on my updated website soon. Yes, it really is going to happen... :)

©2010 Jennifer J L Jones

Thanks for all your support- it's incredibly appreciated!

1 comment:

Jennifer J L Jones said...

The good news is that Apple came through and replaced my phone with another new one today. Upgrading, restoring, backing up, recovering, etc etc Phew! What an ordeal not to have a phone these days! Glad it's fixed now.. I realize just how spoiled I am from technology.